Constitution of the Cambridge Rambling Club

Constitution of the Cambridge Rambling Club

  1. Name

    The name of the club shall be the Cambridge Rambling Club, hereinafter “the Club”.

  2. Aims

    The aims of the Club shall be primarily to organise walks, and to arrange occasional social activities.

  3. Membership

    Membership shall be available to any person who is interested in the aims of the Club and who pays a subscription by 31st December, or is a life member.

  4. Committee

    1. The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee comprising of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, up to eleven other officers and up to four ordinary Committee members, all of whom shall be nominated and elected at at an annual general meeting to be held each year in November.
    2. Ordinary Committee members shall be elected for a period of three years, but shall not be eligible for immediate re-election.
    3. Any vacancies occurring to the Committee between annual general meetings may be filled by the Committee.
    4. Subject to this Constitution, the Committee shall have the power to make any rules as may be necessary for the furtherance of the aims of the Club, including disclaimer of responsibility for any any loss, damage or injury during a walk.
    5. Eight members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
  5. General Meetings

    1. At each annual general meeting a report shall be presented of the activities of the Club during the preceding year, including an audited annual statement of the Club’s financial position as of the preceding 31st October.
    2. An auditor shall be appointed at each annual general meeting.
    3. Subscription rates shall be fixed at the annual general meeting and be due twelve months thereafter, unless the Committee fixes an earlier date.
    4. An extra-ordinary general meeting todiscuss any specific business may be requested either by the Committee or by any twenty members, and shall take place within six weeks of the request.
    5. Ten days notice shall be given to members before any general meeting.
    6. All elections and questions at general meetings shall be decided by a majority of votes to be taken by a show of hands, unless a ballot of the meeting is demanded by one-third of the members present.
    7. Life members may be elected at any general meeting, in recognition of their services to the Club.
  6. Amendment of this Constitution

    Any amendment of this constitution shall be approved by two-thirds of the members present at a general meeting.

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